dux (Workspace ONE Tunnel CLI)

This document contains instructions to install and use dux (Workspace ONE Tunnel CLI).
The cli tool dux can be used to deploy and manage Tunnel server container deployments.

Table of Contents


Dux can be installed on Linux and Mac OS. Support for Windows will be available in subsequent versions.

Installing dux for Linux

Dux for Linux (RHEL) can be installed using the package managers - yum or dnf.

Note: If you had installed the Beta version earlier, please perform the following steps to cleanup before proceeding with installation:

# Remove dux.repo 
sudo rm /etc/yum.repos.d/dux.repo

#Clean the package manager cache
sudo yum clean all
sudo dnf clean all

Create dux.repo and install

$ cat << EOF | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/dux.repo
name=Workspace ONE Tunnel CLI

#If using yum:
$ sudo yum install -y dux 
# If using dnf 
$ sudo dnf install -y dux

After installation the following directory structures will be created:

$ cd /opt/omnissa/
$ ls -ltr
drwxr-xr-x. 4 root root 32 Feb 16 17:59 dux
$ cd dux/
$ ls -ltr
total 0
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 6 Feb 16 13:27 logs
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 6 Feb 16 13:27 images
$ which dux

Installing rpm package for Linux

Download the dux rpm as per the architecture of the host from where dux would be executed (x86_64 for AMD/Intel or aarch64 for ARM/Apple M1).
For example, if OS is Linux and Arch is amd64, the rpm dux--1.x86_64.rpm should to be downloaded.
The url to download the rpms for Dux 2.2 is as follows :
For AMD64/Intel: https://packages.omnissa.com/ws1-tunnel/dux/
For ARM64/Apple Silicon: https://packages.omnissa.com/ws1-tunnel/dux/

# download and install manually 
$ wget <url to download> Or download manually

$ sudo rpm -i dux-
$ cd /opt/omnissa/
$ ls -ltr
drwxr-xr-x. 4 root root 32 Feb 16 17:59 dux
$ cd dux/
$ ls -ltr
total 0
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 6 Feb 16 13:27 logs
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 6 Feb 16 13:27 images
$ which dux

$ dux version
Workspace ONE Tunnel CLI (dux)

Note: If you had an older version of Dux package installed by rpm, please ensure to delete the package before installing

sudo rpm -e <package_name>

Installing dux for Mac OS

Dux can be installed on Mac OS using the package manager - brew.

$ brew tap wsonetunnel/tunnel
$ brew install dux

After installation the following directory structures will be created based on if you are using Mac on Intel (AMD64) or Mac on Apple Silicon (ARM):
For Mac OS on Intel/AMD64:

For Mac OS on Apple Silicon/ARM64:

# For example
$ cd /usr/local/var/opt/omnissa/dux/
$ ls -ltr
total 0
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 6 Feb 16 13:27 logs
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 6 Feb 16 13:27 images
$ which dux

The default path where dux looks for Tunnel Server images is the directory images based on the platform as mentioned above.
The logs of execution of dux (dux.log, tunnel snap, vpnserver logs) are stored under the directory logs based on the platform as mentioned above.

To update the dux version for Mac OS if you had installed an older version earlier:

brew update
brew upgrade dux


Check version of Dux cli

Get the version of Dux cli deployed

$ dux version 
Workspace ONE Tunnel CLI (dux)

Get list of commands supported:

$ dux -h
CLI to deploy and manage Tunnel server containers

  dux [command]

Available Commands:
  deploy       Deploy Tunnel server containers
  destroy      Destroy the Tunnel server containers on the given hosts
  exec-shell   Open interactive shell with Tunnel server container
  help         Help about any command
  init         Create a manifest file for configuring Tunnel server details for deployment and management
  log-override Override log level in one or more Tunnel server containers deployed
  logs         Get logs from the Tunnel server containers deployed
  report       Fetch vpnreport of a Tunnel server container
  restart      Restart the Tunnel server container on given hosts
  status       Get the status of the Tunnel server containers deployed
  stop         Stop the Tunnel server containers on given hosts
  version      Get the version of dux

  -h, --help      Print help information
  -v, --verbose   Show verbose logs

Use "dux [command] --help" for more information about a command.


Steps to deploy Tunnel server container

1. Execute init command

This command creates a sample manifest file for configuring Tunnel server for deployment.

Note that this command needs to be run only the first time when you install dux.
This command creates a sample manifest (ts_manifest.yml) and the performance tuning script (perf_tune.sh) under the directory dux based on the platform (by default). If you wish to use a different path where the files need to be created the command "dux init <some_path>" can be given. Please ensure to specify the path of manifest with -m option in the other commands.
The script perf_tune.sh contains commands to configure remote host settings for enhanced performance.

$ dux init
Deployment manifest initialized successfully

$cd /opt/omnissa/dux
abc@abc dux $ ls -ltr
total 16
drwxr-xr-x  3 abc  xyz    96 Feb 16 18:12 images
-rw-r--r--  1 abc  xyz   643 Feb 16 18:15 perf_tune.sh
-rw-r--r--  1 abc  xyz  2335 Feb 19 11:11 ts_manifest.yml
drwxr-xr-x  9 abc  xyz    288 Feb 19 11:11 logs

2. Edit ts_manifest.yml

Edit ts_manifest.yml generated in an editor of your choice.
Please refer to the section "Points to be noted while editing ts_manifest.yml" under Troubleshooting section.

Here are a few parameters:

image_name : Input details of tunnel server image to deploy

  # Enter the filename of the image to deploy below. 
  # This must match against the tunnel server image filename from the default directory (refer to the note below) or the absolute path.
  # example: 29-2023.06.14-22e04910.tar.gz or /home/admin/29-2023.06.14-22e04910.tar.gz
  # Note: The default directory where the images are recommended to be present is:
  #   - for linux: /opt/omnissa/dux/images
  #   - for Mac OS on Intel/AMD64: /usr/local/var/opt/omnissa/dux/images/
  #   - for Mac OS on Apple Silicon/ARM64: /opt/homebrew/var/opt/omnissa/dux/images/

#Copy the bundle to the working directory
# eg. in Linux: cp ~/Downloads/23.12.14-2023.12.12-95068395.tar.gz /opt/omnissa/dux/images/
$ ls -ltr /opt/omnissa/dux/images 
total 735112
-rw-r--r--@ 1 abc  xyz  376374902 Feb 16 18:12 23.12.14-2023.12.12-95068395.tar.gz
#image_name in manifest
    image_name: 23.12.14-2023.12.12-95068395.tar.gz


If all hosts have common authentication credentials, you may want to use the parameter - ssh_login_credentials.
However if you want to use different set of credentials for a host, the parameter host_info can be used. Refer to the sub-section which talks about hosts below.
For authentication, provide the ssh user name and ssh key path below

Please ensure to create a ssh key and copy the key to the remote VMs. Refer to https://linuxhint.com/generate-ssh-keys-on-linux/

If all hosts use a different SSH port other than 22, uncomment the ssh_port parameter and enter the port number. If not provided, default value of 22 will be used.

For example:

  ssh_user: root
  # Input the path of ssh key - e.g /home/admin/id_rsa
  ssh_key_path: "/home/admin/id_rsa"
  ## Optional: Input the ssh port. Default value - 22

ssh_host_key_check: Input if the identity of the remote host needs to be verified

SSH (Secure Shell) host key checking is a crucial security measure that helps verify the authenticity of a remote server before establishing a connection. When a client connects to a server for the first time, SSH presents the server's host key to the client. The client then checks this key against its list of known host keys to ensure it matches.

If the host key presented by the server matches an entry in the client's known_hosts file, the connection proceeds without interruption. However, if there's no match, SSH prompts the user to confirm the authenticity of the server by displaying the key fingerprint. This fingerprint serves as a unique identifier for the server's key.

The purpose of SSH host key checking is to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks, where an attacker intercepts communication between the client and server, posing as the legitimate server. By verifying the host key, SSH ensures that the client is connecting to the intended server and not a malicious entity.

By default the option to check host keys of remote VMs is enabled and the user will be prompted. If you do not wish to receive the prompts, ssh_host_key_check can be set to 0 to disable the check.

  # SSH Host key check - verify the identity of the remote host 
  # By default this is enabled and the user will be prompted to confirm the fingerprint of the public key of the remote host.
  # If disabled, dux will connect similar to the ssh option StrictHostKeyChecking=no and UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null
  # 1 - enable host key checking
  # 0 - disable host key checking
  ssh_host_key_check: 1 

hosts: Input docker host information for Tunnel server container deployment. Add an entry for each host.

Fill in the IP address of the host where tunnel server container needs to be deployed and the server_role (Basic/cascade-FE or cascade-BE).
If Tunnel server has to be deployed in Basic mode, the value of server_role is 0.
If Tunnel server has to be deployed as FrontEnd server, the value of server_role is 1.
If Tunnel server has to be deployed as Backend server, the value of server_role is 2.

For example:

   # Enter IP address of the host below
    - address:

      # The deployment role for the server. 
      # 0 - basic mode
      # 1 - cascade mode - frontend
      # 2 - cascade mode - backend
      server_role: 1
host_info: For authentication info specific to this host, uncomment the parameters under the parameter host_info.

If both ssh_key_path and ssh_password are provided, ssh_key_path is preferred. Note that for security reasons, giving password information in manifest is not recommended. But it is still provided as an option.
The values can be passed as environment variables.
If all hosts have common ssh credential info, you may use the global parameter: ssh_login_credentials mentioned in the section above.
If both host_info and ssh_login_credentials are given, the credentials under host_info are preferred.

If the host uses a different SSH port other than 22, uncomment the ssh_port parameter and enter the port number. If not provided, default value of 22 will be used.
For example:

        ssh_user: admin
        ## Input the path of ssh key - e.g /home/admin/id_rsa
        ssh_key_path: /home/admin/id_rsa
        ## For security reasons, the ssh_password is not recommended. 
        ## Input the ssh port. Default value - 22

subnet_range: Define Subnet range for Unique IP per device connection

To use the Unique IP per device connection feature supported from Tunnel server version 24.10 onwards, the subnet_range parameter can be defined per host. Note that this parameter should to be added only if the deployment role of the tunnel server is basic or backend.
For example:

      ## If the deployment role for the server is basic/backend, please enter the CIDR for the IP range for devices corresponding to this tunnel server deployment
      ## Example: subnet_range:


perf_tune: Tune performance parameters/system configuration in remote host to support larger number of connections

If remote host has to be tuned with performance parameters, the value of perf_tune is 1 which is by default. This will execute perf_tune.sh in remote host.
If the user does not want to modify the system configuration in remote host, the value of perf_tune is 0.
For example:

# Tune performance parameters/system configuration in remote host to support larger number of connections
  # 1  - execute perf_tune.sh in the remote host
  # 0  - do not modify system configuration in remote host
  perf_tune: 1

If host entries need to be specified (e.g if outbound proxy is not in DNS in remote network ) in the remote host, specify the host names and ip addresses in this section.

  # Add entries to the container hosts file to manually link FQDN to IP address
  # Format:
  ## - host_name:
  ##   ip_address:
    - host_name: example.com

uem: Workspace ONE UEM Information

The details of UEM profile such as UEM url, Group Id/ tunnel configuration id, user name of the OG needs to be input in this section.
If tunnel_config_id is left blank, the organization Group ID is used to fetch the configuration.
Note that the tunnel_config_id parameter is supported only if UEM console supports multi-tunnel configuration feature which is from UEM Console version-23.06 onwards. If you are using an older UEM console version, please user group_id field.

For example:

 # The Workspace ONE UEM API server URL. The destination URL must contain the protocol and hostname or IP address
  # Example: https://load-balancer.example.com
  url: https://wns-1.ssdevrd.com

  # Omnissa Tunnel Configuration ID configured in the Workspace ONE UEM Console.
  # This field is supported only if the UEM console supports multi-tunnel configuration feature (from UEM Console version 23.06 onwards).
  # If left blank, default configuration from the specified organization group will be fetched.
  tunnel_config_id: 27bff2e3-4c81-4c1a-a955-7de6b44c75be

  # The organization group ID in Workspace ONE UEM Console where Tunnel is configured.

    # The username to authenticate with the Workspace ONE UEM API server.
    username: uem_user1

3. Execute deploy command

Once the manifest is updated, deploy command can be run to deploy the Tunnel server container in the hosts specified.

deploy help

$ dux deploy -h
Deploy Tunnel server containers

  dux deploy [flags]

  -d, --dry-run                   Check if manifest is good to deploy
  -p, --ip stringArray            Address specified in the manifest file where Tunnel server needs to be deployed
  -m, --manifest-file string      Custom manifest file path (default "/opt/omnissa/dux/ts_manifest.yml")
  -n, --node-number stringArray   Number of the node as listed in manifest where Tunnel server needs to be deployed
  -q, --q                         Quiet mode: interactive ssh password prompts are disabled
  -u, --uem-password string       Password to authenticate with the Workspace ONE UEM API server
  -y, --y                         Auto accept all prompts

Global Flags:
  -h, --help      Print help information
  -v, --verbose   Show verbose logs

Check if manifest is good to run

To catch if there the manifest is syntanctically correct, run "deploy --dry-run or -d ".
Following checks are done when dux deploy --dry-run command is run:

  1. Syntax check of the manifest file (eg. ts_manifest.yml)
  2. Validation of the fields in manifest file so that the required fields are filled in
  3. Deployment pre-requisites
    a. SSH connectivity to remote hosts
    b. Check if docker is installed and running on remote hosts
    c. Check if the Linux user is configured to use sudo
    d. Check if passwordless sudo is setup for the Linux user
$ dux deploy -d
Manifest file syntax validation is successful
Verifying Tunnel Server image location given in manifest
Verifying deployment prerequisites on
Verifying docker is installed and running on
Host is good to deploy
Manifest file and hosts are good to deploy!

#In case of error in the manifest, for example, if tunnel_config_id was not filled up, you may get an error like below:
$ dux deploy -d
Manifest verification failed error="Incorrect data in manifest: the group_id field is required if tunnel_config_id is not populated"

Host Key Verification

For security requirements, when dux commands are executed, host key verification is done during the SSH handshake at the first time. If the host is unknown, a prompt is displayed to check the fingerprint of the host's key. If the user confirms the host key is correct, the host is added to known hosts.
If the fingerprint of the host changes, the user is prompted again to ensure there is no intruder attack.

The authenticity of host '' can't be established.
Fingerprint of the host's key:SHA256:AOy8f1sChEM7xLJyYP190vjjVxDLYI9ORDaKZCNKzzE
Do you want to continue connecting? (yes/no): 


This command deploys the tunnel server containers in the hosts in the order as listed in manifest, and as per the UEM configuration defined. The image is copied to remote host which will take few minutes depending on the network connectivity.

  1. Ensure the image to be deployed is in the images directory or the absolute path specified in the image_name in manifest.
  2. If image to be deployed is already loaded in remote host, the step to copy tunnel server image will be skipped.
  3. The command given without options (-n or -p) will deploy containers in all hosts as listed in manifest.
#Sample run
$ dux deploy      
Enter UEM password: 
The perf_tune option has been enabled in the manifest. The perf_tune script will modify the Tunnel server host machines to provide recommended performance settings. Do you want to run the perf_tune script? (y/n): y

Preparing for Tunnel server container deployment on
Copying Tunnel server container image to remote. Please wait..
Progress 100% |██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| (376/376 MB, 7.5 MB/s)         
Deploying new Tunnel server container on                                                                                
Tunnel server container ID: 5a3cfd0f45741379e0a61e8c4847eebeb75043e94d2b74d5c1cf97015cfa0fdf

Fetching the deployment status. Please wait. This may take some time
Node number(n): 2        Version: 24.10.el9.411          CPU:   8.02%    Memory:  1221.984 MB   Devices: 0      Cascade: back-end       Status: Running
Deployment is up!

Deploy command has completed on


#### To use a different manifest
To use a manifest from a different path -m flag can be used. If not specified, ts_manifest.yml from the directory where dux is run from is used by default.

#For eg.
$ dux deploy -m ~/Downloads/ts_manifest_xyz.yml

#### To deploy tunnel server container in specific/few remote hosts 
To deploy tunnel server containers in few remote hosts specified by ip or node-number (as per the order in manifest). 

#For eg.
$ dux deploy -n 1 -n 3
$ dux deploy -p
# To given UEM password as command line option:
$ dux deploy -u <uem_password>

Perform operations on deployed tunnel server containers

Once the deployment of containers is successful, other commands can be used to check status of deployment, fetch logs, run vpnreport on container, and perform operations like stop, restart, and even destroy the deployments.

1.Check status of deployment

#status help
$ dux status -h
Get the status of the Tunnel server containers deployed

  dux status [flags]

  -p, --ip stringArray            Address specified in the manifest file where Tunnel server container is deployed
  -j, --json                      Get status of Tunnel server containers in json format
  -m, --manifest-file string      Custom manifest file path (default "/opt/omnissa/dux/ts_manifest.yml")
  -n, --node-number stringArray   Number of the node as listed in manifest
  -q, --q                         Quiet mode: interactive ssh password prompts are disabled

Global Flags:
  -h, --help      Print help information
  -v, --verbose   Show verbose logs

#To get status of all deployments - sample run. In this case, one of the deployments is not in Running state, hence shows Down as status
$ dux status 

Status of Tunnel Server containers deployed

1. Host:  Node number(n): 1        Version: 23.12.ph4.14   CPU:   6.97%    Memory:  1137.129 MB   Devices: 0 Cascade: off             Status: Running
2. Host: Status: Not Deployed

#Get status of a host/hosts by IP
#Multiple ips can be specified too. eg. dux status -p -p 
$ dux status -p 

Status of Tunnel Server containers deployed

1. Host:  Node number(n): 1         Version: 23.12.ph4.14   CPU:   0.00%    Memory:  1157.281 MB   Devices: 0      Cascade: off            Status: Running

#Get status of a specific host with node-number as listed in the manifest file
#Multiple node numbers can be given too: eg. dux status -n 1 -n 3 
$ dux status -n 1             

Status of Tunnel Server containers deployed

1. Host:  Node number(n): 1         Version: 23.12.ph4.14   CPU:   0.00%    Memory:  1157.281 MB   Devices: 0      Cascade: off            Status: Running

#Get status in a json string format for processing 
$ dux status -j               
    "command": "status",
    "values": [
            "CPU": "0",
            "Cascade": "off",
            "Devices": "0",
            "Host": "",
            "Memory": "1157.2812",
            "Node number": "1",
            "Status": "Running",
            "Version": "23.12.ph4.14"
            "CPU": "Unknown",
            "Cascade": "Unknown",
            "Devices": "Unknown",
            "Host": "",
            "Memory": "Unknown",
            "Node number": "2",
            "Status": "Not Deployed",
            "Version": "Unknown"

2.Run vpnreport on deployed container(s)

Vpnreport can be fetched from the deployed container(s).

#report help
$ dux report -h     
Fetch vpnreport of a Tunnel server container

  dux report [flags]

  -p, --ip stringArray            Address specified in the manifest file where Tunnel server container is deployed
  -j, --json                      Get vpnreport in json format
  -m, --manifest-file string      Custom manifest file path (default "/opt/omnissa/dux/ts_manifest.yml")
  -n, --node-number stringArray   Number of the node as listed in manifest
  -q, --q                         Quiet mode: interactive ssh password prompts are disabled
  -r, --rows string               Range of rows from vpnreport to be printed for the nodes: e.g if rows 10-20 need to be printed, specify option as -r 10-20

Global Flags:
  -h, --help      Print help information
  -v, --verbose   Show verbose logs

#To get vpnreports of all containers, give the command "dux report" 
# Sample run
$ dux report

Vpnreport of Tunnel Server containers deployed

1. Host:
Tunnel Version:      23.12.ph4.14                                     
Console Version:                                     
Operating System:    Omnissa Photon OS/Linux                                     
MultiTunnel Config:  Tunnel Config                         
# of Devices:        0         Peak:      2                     
A: 0  iOS: 0  Mac: 0  Win: 0  Lnx: 0  Others: 0  SDK: 0    
# of Connections:    0         Peak:      0                     
# of Traffic Rules:  1         Enabled:   Yes                   
# of Proxies:        0         Up:        0         Down: 0      
API Connectivity:    Up        Last Resp: 200 OK                 
AWCM Connectivity:   Up        Last Resp: 200 OK                 
API via Traf Rules:  No                                    
Cascade Mode:        Off       Reverse Connect:     No             
KCD Proxy Support:   No        Config Locked:       No          
TLS Port Sharing:    No        Deployment Mode:     QA          
FIPS Mode:           No        NSX Mode:            No          
ZTNA DTR:            Yes       ZTNA PDTR:           No           
# of ZTNA DTR:       0         # of ZTNA PDTR:      0            
Appliance Mode:      No        Container Mode:      Yes          
MFA:                 Off       JWT:                 No                         
Service Status:      Up                                         
Log Lvl:             Debug                                 
SOCKS Downstream:       0.000 Kbps                         
SOCKS Upstream:         0.000 Kbps                         
NAT Downstream:         0.000 Kbps                         
NAT Upstream:           0.000 Kbps                         
Total Downstream:       0.000 Kbps                         
Total Upstream:         0.000 Kbps                         
CPU 1:  0.00%% CPU 2:  2.97%%                              
Average CPU:             1.06 %%                           
Memory Virtual:      1157.281 MB                           
Memory Resident:       77.879 MB                           
Memory Share:          15.461 MB                           
Certificate Expiry Info                                    
Server cert:        Sep 25,2025                            
API cert:           Sep 20,2042                            
Client cert:        Sep 20,2042                            
API Last Sync:        2024-02-19 12:50:04                    
AWCM Last Sync:       2024-02-19 12:56:55                    
Up Time:              3d 0h 8m 22s                         
# of Allowlisted Devices:          1                       
# of Devices Since Start:          0                       
  Using DTLS:                      0                       
# of Device Failures                                       
  Closed Handshake:                0                       
  Failed Handshake:                104                     
  Rejected due to DDoS Protection: 0                       
  Blocked due to ZTNA Policy:      0                       
  Blocked by Admin:                0                       
  Unable to Connect to BackEnd:    0                       
  Device Not in Allowlist:         0                       
  Device Non-Compliant:            0                       
  Device Non-Managed:              0                       
Outbound Traffic Since Start                               
  # of Successful Connections:     0                       
  # of Failed Connections:         0                       
  # of Blocked by ZTNA:            0                       
  # Using Proxy:                   0                       
  # Not Using Proxy:               0                       
# of Flows by Device Type                                  
  iOS:         0                                           
  Android:     0                                           
  Windows:     0                                           
  MacOS:       0                                           
  Linux:       0                                           
  Others:      0                                           
# of Flows from SDK Bundled App:  0                        
# of Flows by Protocol                                     
  TCP:                             0                       
  UDP:                             0                       
    Connected UDP:                 0                       
    Connectionless UDP:            0                       
    Per Device UDP Limit:          1321                    
Popular Apps                             TCP   UDP   PKT   
  1.                                     0     0     0     
  2.                                     0     0     0     
  3.                                     0     0     0     
  4.                                     0     0     0     
  5.                                     0     0     0     
  6.                                     0     0     0     
  7.                                     0     0     0     
  8.                                     0     0     0     
Devices with Most Traffic                TCP   UDP   PKT   
  1.                                     0     0     0     
  2.                                     0     0     0     
  3.                                     0     0     0     
  4.                                     0     0     0     
  5.                                     0     0     0     
  6.                                     0     0     0     
  7.                                     0     0     0     
  8.                                     0     0     0     
Top Destinations                         TCP   UDP   PKT   
  1.                                     0     0     0     
  2.                                     0     0     0     
  3.                                     0     0     0     
  4.                                     0     0     0     
  5.                                     0     0     0     
  6.                                     0     0     0     
  7.                                     0     0     0     
  8.                                     0     0     0     

2. Host: Status: Not Deployed

# To filter few row numbers from the output give -r/--rows option
$ dux report -r 6-10 
Displaying rows:6 7 8 9 10 
Vpnreport of Tunnel Server containers deployed

1. Host:
A: 0  iOS: 0  Mac: 0  Win: 0  Lnx: 0  Others: 0  SDK: 0    
# of Connections:    0         Peak:      0                     
# of Traffic Rules:  1         Enabled:   Yes                   
# of Proxies:        0         Up:        0         Down: 0      
API Connectivity:    Up        Last Resp: 200 OK                 
2. Host: Status: Not Deployed

# To fetch row numbers 1,6, and 10 from all hosts
$ dux report -r 1,6,10
Displaying rows:1 6 10 
Vpnreport of Tunnel Server containers deployed

1. Host:
Tunnel Version:      23.12.ph4.14                                     
A: 0  iOS: 0  Mac: 0  Win: 0  Lnx: 0  Others: 0  SDK: 0    
API Connectivity:    Up        Last Resp: 200 OK                 
2. Host:
Tunnel Version:      23.12.ph4.14                                     
A: 0  iOS: 0  Mac: 0  Win: 0  Lnx: 0  Others: 0  SDK: 0    
API Connectivity:    Up        Last Resp: 204 No Content     

## To get vpnreport output as json format for processing use -j option
# For example:
$ dux report -j

## To get vpnreport of a node-number or ip use -n or -p option as the other commands
# For example
$ dux report -n 1
$ dux report -p

3.Fetch logs from the deployed containers

Fetch tunnel_snap from the deployed containers. If the container deployment is down, the docker logs of the container are fetched.
Note that the logs are stored in the logs directory based on the platform.
For linux: /opt/omnissa/dux/logs/
For Mac OS on Intel (AMD64): /usr/local/var/opt/omnissa/dux/logs
For Mac OS on Apple Silicon (ARM64): /opt/homebrew/var/opt/omnissa/dux/logs

The option -v can be used to continously view the docker logs output of a tunnel server container deployed till Ctrl-C is given.

# logs help
$ dux logs -h
Get logs from the Tunnel server containers deployed

  dux logs [flags]

  -f, --follow                    Follow/View logs of a Tunnel server container specified by node-number (-n) or ip (-p) option
  -p, --ip stringArray            Address specified in the manifest file where Tunnel server container is deployed
  -m, --manifest-file string      Custom manifest file path (default "/opt/omnissa/dux/ts_manifest.yml")
  -n, --node-number stringArray   Number of the node as listed in manifest
  -q, --q                         Quiet mode: interactive ssh password prompts are disabled

Global Flags:
  -h, --help      Print help information
  -v, --verbose   Show verbose logs

#Get logs of all containers deployed as per manifest
#Sample run - Note if the deployment is not up, the container logs are fetched.
$ dux logs 
Retrieve vpnserv logs from
Copy log bundle from Remote to Local machine..
Logs from downloaded at: /opt/omnissa/dux/logs/tunnel_snap.

Retrieve vpnserv logs from
Copy log bundle from Remote to Local machine..
Logs from downloaded at: /opt/omnissa/dux/logs/tunnel_snap.

#Logs from a single deployment or multiple deployments can be obtained by specifying IP / node-number in the order as per the manifest
# dux logs -p -p
# dux logs -n 2 -n 4

#To continuously view/follow the run logs of container , give -f option for the specific node/host ip
# dux logs -n 1 -f 
#Press Ctrl-C to stop viewing

4.Stop deployed containers

In case a tunnel server container needs to be stopped for some reason, dux stop command can be given.

# stop help
$ dux stop -h                      
Stop Tunnel server containers on the given host(s) from the manifest file. To restart the containers again, you may use dux restart command.

  dux stop [flags]

  -p, --ip stringArray            Address specified in the manifest file where Tunnel server container is deployed
  -m, --manifest-file string      Custom manifest file path (default "/opt/omnissa/dux/ts_manifest.yml")
  -n, --node-number stringArray   Number of the node as listed in manifest
  -q, --q                         Quiet mode: interactive ssh password prompts are disabled
  -y, --y                         Auto accept all prompts

Global Flags:
  -h, --help      Print help information
  -v, --verbose   Show verbose logs

# Stop all deployments 
$ dux stop  

Are you sure you want to stop the Tunnel Server containers deployed in all the hosts given in the manifest? 
ip : node-number : 1
ip : node-number : 2 
Please confirm (y/n): y
Tunnel server container was successfully stopped on
Tunnel server container was successfully stopped on

#Deployment of tunnel server containers can be stopped by specifying IPs or node-number in the order as per the manifest
# dux stop -p
# dux stop -n 4

#To auto accept all prompts for y/n , -y option can be given
# dux stop -y

5.Restart deployed containers

Stopped containers can be restarted by "dux restart" command

#restart help
$ dux restart -h
Restart the Tunnel server container on given hosts

  dux restart [flags]

  -p, --ip stringArray            Address specified in the manifest file where Tunnel server container is deployed
  -m, --manifest-file string      Custom manifest file path (default "/opt/omnissa/dux/ts_manifest.yml")
  -n, --node-number stringArray   Number of the node as listed in manifest
  -q, --q                         Quiet mode: interactive ssh password prompts are disabled
  -y, --y                         Auto accept all prompts

Global Flags:
  -h, --help      Print help information
  -v, --verbose   Show verbose logs

#Restart all deployments
#Sample run
$ dux restart   

Are you sure you want to restart the Tunnel Server containers deployed in all the hosts given in the manifest? 
ip : node-number : 1
ip : node-number : 2 
Please confirm (y/n): y
Tunnel server container was successfully restarted on
Tunnel server container was successfully restarted on

#Deployment of tunnel server containers can be restarted by specifying IPs or node-number in the order as per the manifest
# dux restart -p
# dux restart -n 4

#To auto accept all prompts for y/n , -y option can be given
# dux restart -y

6.Destroy deployed containers

To stop a container and remove the loaded container image from the remote tunnel server host, "dux destroy" command can be used.

#destroy command help
Destroy the Tunnel server containers on the given hosts

  dux destroy [flags]

  -p, --ip stringArray            Address specified in the manifest file where Tunnel server deployment needs to be destroyed
  -m, --manifest-file string      Custom manifest file path (default "/opt/omnissa/dux/ts_manifest.yml")
  -n, --node-number stringArray   Number of the node as listed in manifest where Tunnel server deployment needs to be destroyed
  -q, --q                         Quiet mode: interactive ssh password prompts are disabled
  -y, --y                         Auto accept all prompts

Global Flags:
  -h, --help      Print help information
  -v, --verbose   Show verbose logs

#Destroy all deployments
#Sample run
$ dux destroy       

Are you sure you want to destroy the Tunnel Server containers deployed in all the hosts given in the manifest? 
ip : node-number : 1
ip : node-number : 2 
Please confirm (y/n): y
Tunnel server container was successfully destroyed on
Tunnel server container was successfully destroyed on

#Deployment of tunnel server containers can be destroyed by specifying IPs or node-number in the order as per the manifest
# dux destroy -p
# dux destroy -n 4

#To auto accept all prompts for y/n , -y option can be given
# dux destroy -y

7. Log-override in Tunnel server

To change the log level in Tunnel server container, use the log-override command.
Note that this feature to change log-level from the one set in UEM console is supported in Tunnel server from 23.12 onwards.

$ dux log-override  -h
Override log level in one or more Tunnel server containers deployed

  dux log-override [flags]

  -c, --clear                     Restore log level to default value set by UEM Console
  -d, --duration int              Duration in minutes for the log level override; -1 to set log level indefinitely (default 30)
  -p, --ip stringArray            Address specified in the manifest file where Tunnel server container is deployed
  -l, --log-level int             Desired log level to be set (1-Error, 2-Warn, 3-Info, 4-Debug)
  -m, --manifest-file string      Custom manifest file path (default "/opt/omnissa/dux/ts_manifest.yml")
  -n, --node-number stringArray   Number of the node as listed in manifest
  -q, --q                         Quiet mode: interactive ssh password prompts are disabled
  -y, --y                         Auto accept all prompts

Global Flags:
  -h, --help      Print help information
  -v, --verbose   Show verbose logs

  # Some examples below
  # To set log-level to Debug (4) for 10 mins
  $ dux log-override -n 1 -l 4 -d 10

  Are you sure you want to set log level in the Tunnel Server containers deployed in the following hosts to "Debug" for 10 mins? 
  ip : node-number : 1 
  Please confirm (y/n): y
  Log-level was succesfully set to "Debug" in Tunnel server container on

  # To set log-level to Debug (4) (default 30 mins)
  $ dux log-override -n 1 -l 4      

  Are you sure you want to set log level in the Tunnel Server containers deployed in the following hosts to "Debug" for 30 mins? 
  ip : node-number : 1 
  Please confirm (y/n): y
  Log-level was succesfully set to "Debug" in Tunnel server container on

  # To set log-level to Info (3) for indefinite time with auto-accept 
  $ dux log-override -n 1 -l 4 -d -1 -y
  Log-level was succesfully set to "Debug" in Tunnel server container on
  # To clear log-level set / restore to default value set by UEM Console - for all hosts
  $ dux log-override -c

  Are you sure you want to clear log override on all the Tunnel Server containers deployed? (y/n): y
  Restored log level to default value set by UEM Console on
  Restored log level to default value set by UEM Console on

8. Get verbose logs

If you wish to get verbose logs for any command, use the -v or --verbose option.
For example:

$ dux deploy -v

9. Open interactive shell with tunnel container

If you wish to start a shell with tunnel container you can use the command 'exec-shell'

$ dux exec-shell -h
Open interactive shell with Tunnel server container

  dux exec-shell [flags]

  -p, --ip stringArray            Address specified in the manifest file where Tunnel server container is deployed
  -m, --manifest-file string      Custom manifest file path (default "/opt/omnissa/dux/ts_manifest.yml")
  -n, --node-number stringArray   Number of the node as listed in manifest
  -q, --q                         Quiet mode: interactive ssh password prompts are disabled

Global Flags:
  -h, --help      Print help information
  -v, --verbose   Show verbose logs

$ dux exec-shell -n 1

Starting the interactive shell with container vpnserver
[root@centos81 vpnd]# pwd
[root@centos81 vpnd]# ls


  1. For any installation issues please refer to the package manager instructions (yum/dnf/brew) for the specific error.
    For example, if you are using dnf and encounter issues with installing dux, check if the cache is updated. Try "dnf makecache" to update metadata cache.

  2. Ensure "dux init" command is run the first time.

  3. Do a dry-run before deploying to ensure there are no issues with the manifest, and to ensure that the deployment pre-requisites are met.

 dux deploy -d
  1. For any issues, please check the file dux.log under logs directory as per the platform - for e.g /opt/omnissa/dux/logs/dux.log in Linux.

  2. If docker is installed with snap in the Linux system, you may encounter permission issues during deployment of tunnel server containers.
    Ubuntu commonly uses snap to install packages.
    If snap docker is used it is recommended to uninstall snap docker, and install docker as mentioned in https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/ .

sudo snap remove docker --purge
sudo reboot 
sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io docker-compose-plugin

Note: Please check if there are other containers running in your VM with snap docker. While technically possible, running both Snap Docker and Docker CE on the same Ubuntu system is generally not recommended due to the potential for conflicts and complexity - wrt port usage, networking, system resources usage etc.

  1. Please ensure the conditions in the Prerequisites section are met.

  2. To avoid errors while editing the ts_manifest.yml, please refer to the following guide:

Points to be noted while editing ts_manifest.yml file

  1. Open the YAML File

    • Right-click on the ts_manifest.yml file and choose "Open With" from the context menu. Select a text editor such as TextEdit (Mac), or any code editor like Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, or Atom.
    • Alternatively, you can open the text editor first and then navigate to the file using the "File" menu.
  2. Understand YAML Syntax

    • YAML uses a human-readable syntax based on indentation and key-value pairs.
    • Each entry in the YAML file consists of a key followed by a colon : and then the corresponding value.
    • Indentation (whitespace at the beginning of a line) is crucial in YAML to denote hierarchical structure.
    • Please ensure there is a space post colon as this is a common user error :
      image_name: TunnelContainer_23.12.1.7.tar.gz
  3. Make Changes

    • Locate the section of the YAML file you wish to modify. Be careful not to change the structure or indentation, as YAML is sensitive to these.
    • Edit the values according to your requirements.
    • Take note of any comments (#) in the YAML file as they provide context or explanations about specific entries.
  4. Save Changes

    • After making the necessary edits, save the file by clicking on "File" in the menu and then selecting "Save" or by pressing Ctrl + S (Linux) or Cmd + S (Mac).
    • Ensure that you save the file with the .yml extension to maintain its YAML format.
  5. Validate Changes (Optional)

    • If you're unsure whether your changes are syntactically correct, you can validate the YAML file using online YAML validators (https://www.yamllint.com/) or command-line tools.
    • YAML linting tools can identify syntax errors or formatting issues, helping you ensure the file is valid.
  6. Backup (Optional but Recommended)

    • Before making extensive changes, consider creating a backup of the original YAML file. This ensures you can revert to the previous configuration if needed.
  7. Sample ts_manifest.yml file for reference

# Version number for the Tunnel server deployment manifest. This is auto generated and should not be altered.
version: ""

#Workspace ONE UEM Information 
  # The Workspace ONE UEM API server URL. The destination URL must contain the protocol and hostname or IP address
  # Example: https://load-balancer.example.com
  url: https://example-uem-api.com

  # Omnissa Tunnel Configuration ID configured in the Workspace ONE UEM Console.
  # This field is supported only if the UEM console supports multi-tunnel configuration feature (from UEM Console version 23.06 onwards).
  # If left blank, default configuration from the specified organization group will be fetched.

  # The organization group ID in Workspace ONE UEM Console where Tunnel is configured.
  group_id: og1 

    # The username to authenticate with the Workspace ONE UEM API server.
    username: uemuser1

#Tunnel Server Image Information 
  # Enter the filename of the image or the repo path to deploy below.
  # File: This must match against the tunnel server image filename from the default directory (refer to the note below) or the absolute path.
  # example: 29-2023.06.14-22e04910.tar.gz or /home/admin/29-2023.06.14-22e04910.tar.gz
  # Note: The default directory where the images are recommended to be present is:
  #   - for linux: /opt/omnissa/dux/images
  #   - for Mac OS on Intel/AMD64: /usr/local/var/opt/omnissa/dux/images/
  #   - for Mac OS on Apple Silicon/ARM64: /opt/homebrew/var/opt/omnissa/dux/images/
  # Repository: Repository path of the image with the tag can be given as well:
  # For example: your-local-repo.com/23.12.1/tunnel-server:
  # image_name: artifactory.air-watch.com/tunnel-containers/beta/alma9/x86_64/24.06/tunnel-server:24.06.11-2024.06.24-37979aa39
  image_name: TunnelContainer_24.10.tar.gz

  #Container Host(s) Authentication Information 
  # If all hosts have common authentication credentials, you may want to use the parameter - 'ssh_login_credentials'
  # For authentication, provide the ssh user name and ssh key path below
  # If all hosts use a different SSH port other than 22, uncomment the `ssh_port` parameter and enter the port number.
  # If not provided, default value of 22 will be used.
    ssh_user: user1
    # Input the path of ssh key - e.g /home/admin/id_rsa
    ssh_key_path: /home/user1/.ssh/id_rsa
    ## Optional: Input the ssh port. Default value - 22

  # SSH Host key check - verify the identity of the remote host 
  # By default this is enabled and the user will be prompted to confirm the fingerprint of the public key of the remote host.
  # If disabled, dux will connect similar to the ssh option StrictHostKeyChecking=no and UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null
  # 1 - enable host key checking
  # 0 - disable host key checking
  ssh_host_key_check: 1 
  #Tunnel Server Host(s) Information
  # Input docker host information for Tunnel server container deployment. Add an entry for each host.
    # Enter IP address of the host below
    - address:

      # The deployment role for the server. 
      # 0 - basic mode
      # 1 - cascade mode - frontend
      # 2 - cascade mode - backend
      server_role: 0


      ## For information specific to this host, uncomment 'host_info' and the parameters under it as needed.

      ## For authentication info specific to this host, uncomment the 'ssh_user' and 'ssh_key_path/ssh_password' as needed.
      ## If both 'ssh_key_path' and 'ssh_password' are provided, 'ssh_key_path' is preferred.
      ## The values can also be passed as environment variables.
      ## If all hosts have common ssh credential info, you may use the global parameter: 'ssh_login_credentials'  
      ## If both 'host_info' and 'ssh_login_credentials' are given, the credentials under 'host_info' are preferred.
      ## SSH Port information
      ## If the host uses a different SSH port other than 22, uncomment the `ssh_port` parameter and enter the port number.
      ## If not provided, the default value of 22 will be used.

        ## Input the path of ssh key - e.g /home/admin/id_rsa
        ## For security reasons, the ssh_password is not recommended. 
        ## Input the ssh port. Default value - 22
      ## Define Subnet range for Unique IP per device connection (Please note this feature is supported from Tunnel server version 24.10 onwards)
      ## If the deployment role for the server is basic/backend, please enter the CIDR for the IP range for devices corresponding to this tunnel server deployment
      ## Example: subnet_range:


   - address:
      server_role: 0

        ssh_user: user2
        ## Input the path of ssh key - e.g /home/admin/id_rsa
        ## For security reasons, the ssh_password is not recommended. 
        ssh_password: abc123
        ## Input the ssh port. Default value - 22

  # Tune performance parameters/system configuration in remote host to support larger number of connections
  # 1  - execute perf_tune.sh in the remote host
  # 0  - do not modify system configuration in remote host
  perf_tune: 1

  # Add entries to the container hosts file to manually link FQDN to IP address
  # Format:
  ## - host_name:
  ##   ip_address: